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NRA Training

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is one of the oldest and most well-respected Shooting Sports advocates in the US. They have applied their considerable knowledge and instruction and have produced outstanding curricula designed to raise the proficiency of shooters new and old.​

Interritus currently offers the below classes on a sliding price scale based on your desired level of privacy.

NRA Personal Protection in the Home


Your home is your castle. You deserve to feel safe and secure in your castle. The best way to prevent a home invasion is to make yourself an unattractive target. An Interritus Instructor will ensure that you have the techniques and procedures that will help you prevail in a home invasion.


An eight-hour class of at least five hours of classroom instruction and up to three hours of range training at your preferred facility, culminating in the issuance of a Certificate of Training from the NRA.


Classroom training can be delivered in blocks as small as one hour for groups up to ten adults.


Range training conducted in groups up to five.


Group discount applies.

NRA Basic Pistol


Three hours of classroom instruction at your desired location followed by three hours of firing instruction at the range of your choice, culminating in the issuance of a Certificate of Training from the NRA.

Classroom training can be delivered  for groups up to ten adults.


Group discount applies.


Students must complete NRA Computer Based Training Prerequisite to recieve Certifcate.

NRA Basic Pistol First Steps


Three hours of classroom instruction followed by an hour of firing instruction at the range of your choice; all focused on your specific brand of pistol.


Classroom training can be delivered in blocks as small as one hour for groups up to ten adults.

Range training conducted in groups up to five.

NRA Home Firearm Safety


A non-firing class, an Interritus Instructor will present all aspects of safe firearms maintenance and storage with an emphasis on the home.


This four-hour class culminates in the issuance of an NRA Certificate of Training.

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